Oct 29, 2023
The Mantle of the Spirit
Title: The Mantle of the Spirit by Apostle Tanoh Scriptures ---------- Act 6 4 2 Corinthiens 5:1-5 Luc 11:1 Luc 18:1 Luc 24:27 Jean 8:31-32 Luc 1:13-17, Matthieu 3:4 Jean 10:40 2 Rois 1:9 Actes 1:8 1 Corinthiens 4:20 Luc 4:31-37 2 Corinthiens 5:1-3, 5 Genèse 3:6-10 Jean 17:5 Matthieu 17:1 Luc 9:28-29 Matthieu 17:5-7 Nombres 20:23-27
  • Oct 29, 2023The Mantle of the Spirit
    Oct 29, 2023
    The Mantle of the Spirit
    Title: The Mantle of the Spirit by Apostle Tanoh Scriptures ---------- Act 6 4 2 Corinthiens 5:1-5 Luc 11:1 Luc 18:1 Luc 24:27 Jean 8:31-32 Luc 1:13-17, Matthieu 3:4 Jean 10:40 2 Rois 1:9 Actes 1:8 1 Corinthiens 4:20 Luc 4:31-37 2 Corinthiens 5:1-3, 5 Genèse 3:6-10 Jean 17:5 Matthieu 17:1 Luc 9:28-29 Matthieu 17:5-7 Nombres 20:23-27
  • Aug 27, 2023The Revelation
    Aug 27, 2023
    The Revelation
    Scriptures ---------- Eccl 8:4 Apocalypse 5:11 Apocalypse 19:16 Proverbes 14:19 1 Rois 17:1 Exode 4:12 Luc 24:32 Ephésiens 3:10 1 Samuel 17:4-7, 8, 26 Jean 6:5 2 Corinthiens 5:16 Matthieu 16:17-19 2 Rois 6:15-17 1 Rois 18:29 Exode 20:12 Psaumes 46:1 Luc 4:24-27 Psaumes 20:1 Psaumes 20:1-4
  • Aug 20, 2023The Word of the King
    Aug 20, 2023
    The Word of the King
    Scriptures ---------- Eccl 8:4 2 Tim 4:11-13 Genèse 27:28-33 Apocalypse 5:11 Apocalypse 19:16 Colossiens 2:15 1 Corinthiens 15:55 Psaumes 141:3 Jean 1:1 Jean 1:3 Gen 1:1-3 1 Jean 1:5 Esaïe 9:1 Esaïe 60:2 Psaumes 116:10 2 Corinthiens 4:13 Ézéchiel 2:2 2 Pierre 1:2 Jean 11:35-44 Matthieu 8:16 Marc 4:39-41 1 Rois 17:1 Ézéchiel 37:4-5 Daniel 5:27 Proverbes 30:30 Job 22:29
  • Aug 13, 2023Use your Mouth Constructively
    Aug 13, 2023
    Use your Mouth Constructively
    Title: Use your Mouth to build your Life (Use your Mouth Constructively) by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh Scriptures ---------- Proverbes 18:7 Psaumes 141:3 Jacques 1:26 Luc 1:5-9, 11-13, 18-20 Genèse 18:9-14 Genèse 27:37 Jean 6:63 Josué 3:13 Jean 14:10 Luc 4:12 Apocalypse 1:16 Apocalypse 2:16  
  • Jul 23, 2023Separation Between Soul And Spirit
    Jul 23, 2023
    Separation Between Soul And Spirit
    Scriptures ---------- Hebrews 4:1-12 Hebrews 1:1-5 Hebrews 2:1 Matthew 11:28-29 Matthew  13:5-7 Psalms  119:18
  • Jul 12, 2023The Importance of the Word Part 2
    Jul 12, 2023
    The Importance of the Word Part 2
    Title:The Importance of the Word by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh Scriptures ---------- Proverbs 23: 23 I Timothy 4:13 Acts 6: 2, 4 Matthew 4:4 I Peter 1:23 John 1:12 John 4:22, 24 Matthew 22:29 I Corinthians 14:29 Mark 2:8 John 14:15 Esdras 7: 9-10 Joshua 1:8-9 Job 32:8 Job 14:7-9 John 8:32 Deteuronomy 7:14 Proverbs 4:20-22 Daniel 9:2-3 Exodus 34:29 John 17:17 II Thessalonians 2:13-14 II Corinthians 3:18 Philippians 4:9 Ezekiel 2:1
  • Jul 2, 2023The Importance of the Word by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh
    Jul 2, 2023
    The Importance of the Word by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh
    The Importance of the Word by Apostle Guy J. Tanoh Scriptures ---------- Acts 6:4 Psalms 119:97-99 II Timothy 3:16 Genesis 3:8 John 17:14 John 1:1-3 John 15:7 Luke 4:18 Romans 12:2 Joshua 1:8 1 John 5:14 Luke 1:1-3 I Timothy 4:13-15 John 1:9 Romaans 10:17 John 6:6 ---------- Thank you for supporting the ministry at www.overcomersministrieschurch.org/donate